Looking back in righteous anger?

Peanuts theology Cessna

Welcome to the alternative-perspectives of real-world people…

Only kidding, welcome to the real (Alternative) official story…

Still only kidding America, Peanuts-graphic is political theology…

Now allow me to get to the point by telling you a (True) self-defecating story about my step-sister’s son Chris and something the son of Prescott Bush who really flew fighter bombers in the Pacific in World War Two using his American born half brother’s name told me back in the 1960’s ~ Chris was my favourite nephew by a long shot, he was both loud and self opinionated yet could also be one of the sweetest kids you’d find, even in his early adult years before I’d lost track of him he still had an affectionate little-boy side to his nature which was somewhat sweet as his sister Sharon would occasionally remind me as if she had to, in other words loud yet sensitive ~ Anyway Bush #02 as I’d called the son of Prescott who trained me in political science black op psychology and a small amount of the early quantum physics basics told me out of the blue that Chris was a twin, literally, he did this after already explaining to me how his half brother whom I’ve always called Bush #01 because he was the first one I’d met and his German born twin brother who I’d called Bush #03 because he was the third son of Prescott I’d met, all using the name George Herbert Walker Bush too don’t forget, had been used by Odessa to pretty much completely ruin him…

That’s fairly heavyweight shit for a little boy literally being bullied tortured brainwashed terrorised pimped and otherwise aggravated but seeing as that was the hand Almighty Jehovah dealt me (Snicker) then that was the hand I’d been obliged to play as #02 once put it in one of his few attempts at humour…

Anyway he told me my favourite nephew Chris was a Mengele twin after already telling me how Odessa used separated twins one against the other to keep each one either down or under control and I’d felt real fear and sadness for my nephew, a blood rellie of mine via Mengele by the way because his mother wasn’t really my sister, she was my step sister, following the bigger picture thus far are we?

Here’s pictures of half brothers Bush #01 and #02 too as well…

Yes they do look a little like each other, same father moron’s…

Heston fake Bush slower 600

Those two look like each other too, same father, same man!

bush 41 bnd ~ next question please 600

Neither is that man which is German-born 41 x #03 sillies…

Tell Lie Vision 560 BW

Here’s a little more relevant perspective for thinkers…

One day some time in 1984 or thereabouts my Chris turned up out of the blue after me not seeing him for 6 months and he’d lost weight, was toned up with real muscle, and all of a sudden knew how to use a speedball meaning someone was training him professionally, lost track of him completely around 1986 and then again a few years later ‘Allah-Shazzam-Kabbam Cessna-Pilot’ someone who literally looked almost exactly like him was wrestling in the WWF at that time?

By looking almost exactly just like him I’m saying he looked almost exactly just like him, now was it my nephew Chris or was it my nephew’s twin brother who would also be my blood rellie like my nephew was via Mengele and obviously only the hard boy connected ex wrestlers would really know the answer to that, and was it my blood rellie Benoit that got snuffed or did my nephew Chris get snuffed in his place and Benoit ‘Disappeared’ in the old sense of something bad under cover of the Odessa machine having a body to parade in his place, or did both fake their deaths and they’re both living happily ever after? ~ Answer is I’ve absolutely no bloody idea, period, if my blood rellie Benoit was fcuked over then eventually there’s a blood debt going to be paid in Hades one way or the other, if it was my nephew Chris that got snuffed there’s a blood debt plus hell to pay one way or the other plus ditto if both snuffed it, but if both faked their deaths under Odessa control then business as usual, Hades, Round Two Odessa, either way…

That’s a 100% true story immediately above, 100% true…

It’s 100% true if no-one believes it and 100% true if everyone believes it simply because it’s 100% true in and of itself whether anyone believes it or not, now here’s a short fictional fairy tale which obviously isn’t true because it’s fictional and it’s a fairy tale, for some people it almost seems like it’s a theological fairy tale because everyone seems to believe it even tho they know it’s not true, some of you might might even confuse it with reality because it loosely mimics what the Knight of Malta controlled Freemason’s in congress told you happened on Sept 11 or you might not be completely vacuous and know damn well that was political fiction, yet anyway here goes, a short fictional fairy tale…

Once upon a time in a magical land far-far away from reality lived a wicked and slightly kinky fairy called Butch or just George to his friends who was really three fairies who all used the name George, fairy George #01 was totally gay and fairy George #02 was Butch while old fairy-George #03 was just plain kinky…

One day one of the three fairy-George’s was feeling wicked kinky and fairly butch so he cast a spell over a Muslim Cessna Pilot called Mohammad, it was an evil wicked kinky spell that caused the poor Muslim Mohammad to think he could knock a skyscraper down with a fairy-fart ~ Well you know the rest of the story, the Cessna Pilot called Mohammad knocked one skyscraper down with a jet which weighed one 3846th the weight of the skyscraper while one of his other Muslim friends also knocked another skyscraper down with another jet weighing around one 3846th the weight of the one that he hit too, it was at this point reality warped completely because the Great Cessna Pilot in the sky himself knocked ‘WTC 7’ down with a divine almighty Abrahamic fairy-fart ~ America, I’m fully prepared to swear on a stack of bibles that unlike the story about wrestler Chris Benoit and his Mengele twin which is 100% true this particular story here is a fictional fairy tale and isn’t true at all even tho the Mason’s in congress looked you in the face and swore it was as they set about removing 2\3rds of the US Constitution with a Patriot Act, or was that an Abrahamic fairy-fart too?

The jury’s still out on the finer details of it all…

Meanwhile the Knight of Malta Mason’s got you hoodwinked?

red ban all seeing eye cessna bldg 7 600

Why the hell accept anything those lying SOB’s say?


Lemme just repeat that a little for the slower kids…

red ban all seeing eye cessna bldg 7 600

That’s for the special kids, the one’s playing catch-up…


Precious little slow-learner’s, not dumb, just a little slow…


Lots of slow-learner’s in America, must be the fluoride…


Enough facts to hold disbelief in a Cessna Pilot story yet?

Redneck Comedian FCUK YOUR GOD _ Red Arrow NO JOKE 600redneck-comedian-patriot act allegation 600

You allowed those idiots to abuse my rights from birth…

I’ve asked so-very many times already simply to be told the (False) allegation or accusation used to place me on the treasonous Patriot Act proscribed person’s list yet all America does is swallow and brush their teeth with Alex Jones’ all new Infowars Superblue fluoride-free patriot’s toothpaste, no class at all…

BEST-Small Infowars jones-pempeo-morrison-atta-schwammberger 460


11:11 PM AESDST Feb 15
A quick-edit at 11:33 PM
Clarification at 1:11 AM
Writing is editing 1:30
Edited at 1:40 too
And at 3:03 AM!


Beware, the blogs
are all phished

Sept 22 too

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