Betty can’t work it out Huh?

Only another light (Heavy) hearted blog to wind down a little…
Fcuking New World Order Nazis just can’t take a plain spoken hint…
By the time the Beatles did that old song above I’d left them, forever…
Never even wanted anything to do with them after age 7 years in 64’…
Unless to get even, apart from that they were all just deadweight…
Anti-intellectual spiritual dwarfs, intellectual pygmies really…
It was actually worse than thaaat, but it’s just my burden…
There were many that helped me carry the weight tho…

Enjoy the blog before Odessa’s ‘WW3’ kills a 3rd of us…

0001000 Ho-yeah-heh-heh no eugenics here FP0002000 Ho-yeah-heh-heh no eugenics here...

0004000 Ho-yeah-heh-heh REPEATED TUPIDITYTrump 2017 calendar0006000 Repeal the Patriot Act x pedo-dungeon grand juryHead up ass, Drump's pedo grand jury legislation (2)0008000 Repeal the Amboy Duke ActTrump 2017 MAAD00010000 Repeal the Amboy Duke ActKinetic (Other) weapon black and white00020000 ~ ERIKAErika banned

00030000 ~ ERIKA censorship


Robby 10 yo good image 560

I’ve made my position plain, I’m not nuts, not suicidal or otherwise morose depressed or negative, it’s simple, those who pulled the Sept 11 Coup have already murdered or else badly hurt every last person I’d ever loved and many of those who loved me, all of those I’d have really liked to spend quality time with have gone away early to meet the great counterfeiter in the sky and, well I’d prefer to go spend some quality mind on mind time with ‘THEM’ in the hereafter rather than get along with those who killed them or the hordes of servile simpletons who suck up to them, is that so strange?

To that end I’ve offered to stand down and walk away from this idiot ‘NWO’ fascism that’s running America and most everything else for the princely sum of 5 lousy grams of heroin, that’s overkill but it shouldn’t take longer than 10 to 12 days before all my spiritual loose ends are tied up and then I’ll be off to hang with minds that may actually even be weirder than mine, but perhaps sweeter, Heh Heh, and guess what, you’re not invited…

Failing that, I’ve offered to lawyer up and use my not inconsiderable political and black op skills to just quietly walk away from all of the 1000’s of stupid situations that fascist half breed mongrel half German Odessa offspring twits and their father’s create in pursuit of their final solution to the human problem, said problem most likely why isn’t everyone as brain dead as them, but that’s digressing somewhat ~ I’m able to move in the general direction of either with a genuine Nolo Contendere which is Latin for ‘PISS OFF, DON’T WANT TO ARGUE WITH YOU’ in one sense simply because I’d taken care of my payback business for my birth mom and twin by late July 2006 so there’s no reason for me to seek to buy time to get anymore revenge, nor choose to be dumb enough to share the eventual reward they’ll get for their intended murder of billions of their fellow humans, including around half of America ~ Nope, I’m tired of living isolated by the lies generated by big treason x fascist money in America and elsewhere yet never ready to submit either, I’m not looking for trouble, I’m ready to move on and move on right now too, I’m just lacking the resource to do so, that includes resource to kill any fool that messes with any woman I’m interested in or involved with, and of course find a way to do it so’s I’m technically not breaking the law and no one really gives a toss either…

Why should I-be any different? ~ You know why you fools…
You lost control of this the day my step parents decided it was so…
They taught me everything I’d needed, I-brought the GRUNT to it…
That combined with my budding 220+ IQ meant that you lost, simple…
Now go ahead with your agenda, I’ve not cared since age 5 years…
Stop lying to your children Odessa, it’s time to just let me go…
We’re not all the same, not even close, time to let me go…

5 grams of heroin or a $200,000,000 loan for lawyers for 2 years…


Gonna bring the whole world down with you America?
Myself, I’m not going to cooperate with my birth mom’s killers…
Don’t want to get along with those who murdered my twin sister…
For fcuk’s sake, only three bloody years old, tortured to death…
Another 1\2 sister, Mary, murdered in 1970 only 14-15…
No, we’re done, just make your response creeps…

All vids\graphics fair-use x fair-comment etcetera…
Hit this link for a more practical sociopolitical outlook…
I’ll have justice or revenge one way or the other fool…
As I’d taken my revenge in 2006 it’s a certainty…
Didn’t break no fcuking law doing it either…

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