King Greatorex Grump the 45th…

Face it America, Bavarian Illuminati globalism is just dirty old feudalism dressed up to look royal noble just and true, even logical if you bastardize the word, same thing with Bavarian Illuminati communism and Bavarian Illuminati fascism as well, all three are simply a subtle (sic) rejection of democracy and equality in favor of a return to a type of corporate feudalism which sows the seeds for a return to the dark ages where money wealth power or in the case of Bavarian Illuminati, gold stolen from South America Africa Russia Europe Iraq Libya and probably Fort Knox allows them to use corporate leverage to promote only the most servile stupid mindlessly obedient morons they can find to power…

Look, I’m not saying that’s what’s happened with the coronation of 4 times corporate bankrupt money launderer King Greatorex the Great, hell no, you might say that and I’d immediately chastise you for being such a hard hearted although stunningly accurate serf, wouldn’t say that myself tho because I’m a reasonable man most days, pretty much, sort of, kind of, for a gruff grim genteel political comedian that’s been off the reservation for around 53 years already…

So watch what conclusions you draw, or the King shall hear of it 😉


Geee, that there constitution looks cactus to meee doggie…
Go fetch another one doggie, go fetch another one, good dog…
Now roll over and play a patriot-actor-dead-doggie Rex…
Wow that Rex, oughta call him Rex the wonder dog…

0004000 EDIT CROP Up top fakes

0002000 EDIT CROP Idiot smallcohn-kolnofer BW 600


All vids\graphics are fair-use x fair-comment etcetera…
Here’s a relevant link (Link) to explain things rationally…
And here’s a graphic below that does likewise as well…

Tho sarcastic, meaning’s here are pretty damn clear…

Treason Amnesty Sepia 560

For balance here’s one that presents the opposing view…

Treason Amnesty inbred hillbilly 560

Nah I’m not trying to be funny, it’s my sarcasm blog…

jones-hicks-pompeo-schwammberg 490

Sure you don’t get it America? ~ Are you sure?

Angels 13861851

If you don’t get-it don’t sweat-it, relax, think…

Songs help some relax while they think…

Redneck comedian Sepia 400

Plus, I’m a bit of a dcik, enjoy the blog…

Pedo dungeon Miss the bus Sepia 400

Sandman took the best, left the rest…

Sure you don’t get-it America?

Gonna let fascists define this Oz?

Well let-em define this too…

Second Sepia finger

2 years private healthcare?

And here’s that quote here…

healthcare-email-quote larger 280

That’s not even top shelf…


Top-shelf = 2 years now

(Or-else I’ll be)…

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