Equal equality at law a problem?

Those who pulled Sept 11 initiated studies proving fluoride works…

That’s a bit of a misspoke actually, what they’ve done is they’ve initiated studies that claim average Americans moved on from the Sept 11 Coup and now have a 2nd generation of young ones intellectually growing into that special place best called a Twitter headspace where Al Qaeda must’ve wired up WTC 7′ where the Central Intelligence Agency had a central New York office, and so the US Military defeated Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the ISIS (sic) in Iraq who were supposedly financing their particular asymmetrical war against freedom by stealing crude oil one semi trailer load at a time??? ~ Now being a jack of all trades kind of political analyst trained from early childhood to break complicated problems into smaller problems where simpler perspectives may be gleaned and logical overviews from sound rationale presented, I’d say the fcuking fluoride must be working…

Create a mental picture of Roseanne laughing at this point please…

What about Goodman laughing, get the pun yet do you dumbass?

Morrison-Pompeo-Medvedev-Schwammberger-Atta-560Goodman Cessna Pilot's slow large

Some days you’re not particularly on-the-ball are you Joe Average…

You know what the problem is, limited attention span x low IQ…

You make of this what you will, you know what I’m saying…

See that clown in the bottom right graphic, the one with the German flag backdrop to the witch stirring the pot? ~ The German flag backdrop is meant to highlight that he was born in what eventually became East Germany as did the man in the graphic with the #02 backdrop, well anyway that final one whom America wrongly thinks of as George Herbert Walker Bush was the BND agent illegitimate son of Prescott who took over the Young Republican network as a front to promote the Odessa offspring into positions of power in the American political system using the Nazi gold Reaganomics junk bond cash ~ That was also the network he used to set up the Sept 11 Coup on the US Constitution, he’s also the one that shot my first Faux girlfriend dead in front of me in 1964 and within the week demanded that I’d repeat various stupid phrases to my step family or he’d kill one of my step parents children, my step sister to be precise ~ When I’d asked him how would he know if I’d said what he told me to say he stated there were microphones in the family home and he had people listening to them…

Please note that 1964 was 55 fcuking years ago America…

This was 1964 and I’d only been 7 years old so as I’d not wanted to risk the pointless death of one of my step siblings I’d said exactly what I’d been told to say to my step family however I’d not left it there ~ In the months after I’d set up a few tests to know for sure if there really were microphones in the family home, saying specific things bound to get a response from the pigs in the Central Intel machine and sure enough, the response came, one of them being another literal physical torture session again, one of many, however my point was I’d not just BELIEVED he was telling the truth about microphones, I’d checked…

Then one day about six years after that my step father was getting just a little too loose lipped about serious matters in the family home so I’d said to him out of the blue “Daaaad, shut uuup, there’s microphones” ~ Of course he just looked at me like I’d been in the sun for too long however I’d got my back up and persisted and him the hard minded two tour World War Two vet he was, knowing he’d raised a serious little step son bastard in me, took the trouble to check for himself…

Few weeks later in our lounge room he’d stated out of the blue quite openly that every time I’d drunk water from the tap I’d been drinking the remains of the four pedo’s he (Literally) executed a couple years previous, Ha-Ha, what a gross man he was in his way ~ He said it several times then winked and gave me the SHUSH signal and throat cut sign, sure enough within four days the coppers were up at the local reservoir asking questions, perhaps they were even dragging the water for the bodies, asking questions anyway ~ His Mea (Fcuking) Culpa of sorts to me was a simple “You were right boy” to which I’d responded with a look meant to ask him if the sun had also risen in the east that morning as it usually did…

Short story long bearing in mind I’m still claiming Ohio-birth\sex-slave-trade abduction after the murders of my birth mother and baby sister I’ve now had 55 fcuking years of Orwellian 4th Amendment abuse from the govt of the greatest nation of cocksuckers on the planet, it’s that one north of the Mexican border and south of the Canadian one, the same nation of cocksuckers I’d asked to inform me of the precise allegation or accusation the Sept 11 plotters had used to illegally place me on their Orwellian Patriot Act Level Two proscribed person’s list…

Semi-seriously America, after you go to hell, go fcuk yourselves…

Repent, do the amnesty or probably go to hell with congress…


And if you’re gonna do fluoride stop screwing your mother’s…

You do know what I’m saying don’t you America, you know…

Precise allegation or accusation used by Sept 11 perpetrator’s to place me on
an anti-constitutional Patriot Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s list,
it’s all I’ve asked America’s hypocrite/assholes and fake-patriot’s to reveal…

Your congress still got their dcik’s in the cookie-jar guys…


Thanks for the sleep deprivation fascists…

4:00 PM AEST April 11
Plus 2:00 AM again
Quickie at 2:30 too


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