How much more can a bear bear?

America’s Prussian-run Psy-Op’s are starting to get a bit predictable…

Psy Op's patchHONEYPOT definition 600

For me Elvis (sic) sort of left the building in ’64, get over it…

For those who’ve read earlier blogs, something personal…

By early 1964 I’d literally met 3 different biological sons of Prescott Bush who’d all use the name George Bush in their work for the Central Intelligence Agency on behalf of either Odessa or the BND as they’re called, only one was American born but eventually two of them plus Rumsfeld got my first girlfriend dead…

Here’s the first son of Prescott I’d ever talked to at length…

Felix Leighter Bush 600 SIT DOWN KID

He was the gay Yale baseball player son of Prescott who pulled me aside as a 5 y\o one day in 1962 when I’d been in tears of frustration at the mindlessness of the sicko schadenfreude that always filtered thru into everything they did on top of the obvious callous cruelty of performing child torture on me while also pimping me in child prostitution and by that time also committing the murders of 3 adults in front of me followed shortly thereafter by dissecting two children my own age in front of me not more than 6 feet away, these were your Govt’s employees and operatives doing this America ~ Anyway short story long he pulled me aside and sat me little soul down and even tho only a very young boy at the time he told me how the American political system really worked, he explained at some depth to this brilliant little boy for a period of around 2 hours how everything in American and world politics under the overall control of Prussian descent Freemasons was either based on political blackmail over sexual peccadilloes or blackmail over the financial irregularities people were entrapped into after first being hooked on their secret sexual perversions, always on film by the way…

Three Bush's 600

A few months later he also told me everything that the Prussian descent Knight of Malta face of the Bavarian Illuminati had planned for my entire life right into my late middle age with an overall accuracy of over 95% on all major happenings, proving beyond any doubt that every last bit of evil their sick Germanic\Teutonic minds perpetrated was all intentional ~ The other two sons of Prescott I’d met by 1964 who again all used the name George Bush consisted of one who flew fighter bomber’s in the Pacific in World War Two using his American half brother’s name and another German born one, the twin brother of the Pacific fly boy who later on became Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and then Ronnie Raygun’s Veep followed by becoming Greater Prussia’s illegal 41st president…

Because of the official story of everything the 3rd one is always in the minds of the sheeple to be confused with the other two simply because few people were aware they weren’t all the same man, the 2nd one I’d met was the Pacific fly boy, the one who’d spent many monotonous hours schooling me in basic physics as well as the warped psychology or should that be “Psychiatry” (sic) used in the intelligence agency’s of every major medium and smaller country on the world under a Prussian controlled Masonic jackboot, which is all of them…

He trained me that well that even now over 5 decades later I’d still gladly buy him a $20,000 dollar bottle of Scotch for his efforts and then genuinely shake his hand after I’d shot him in the fcuking leg with a .22 ~ To my personal way of thinking it’d be just plain wrong to shoot him in the fcuking leg for being such a humorless boring jerk without also buying him the most expensive bottle of Scotch on the planet for being the agency’s best trainer first, and it’d be wrong to buy him that Scotch without shooting the cnut for being a jerk as well which should imply that the training although often interesting was the other end of the dictionary away from anything close to the meanings of the word fun ~ It was hard yards even before you consider all of the serial rape terror torture prostitution and other provocations constantly being thrown my way by those jackass fascist Prussian descent phaggot’s ~ Sometimes they acted on direct orders from the same old world World War Two Odessa that has it’s offspring currently married off to the Veep and the fake Donald Trump president as well as also being America’s current Secretary of State and ‘CIA’ director among other influential positions of control in American politics, they were always supposedly protecting American freedoms while effectively shafting them and those of the citizens of any other nation they were working on at the directions of those at Langley headquarters while at other times they took their orders on the fly directly from other Knight of Malta Freemason’s secretly in control of Germany’s spy agency too…

Knight of Malta Masonic fascist Zionist conspiracy BETTER 600

Yeah, pretty droll graphic, pretty bloody accurate too…

It makes more sense once you accept that all thru the British colonial power years and then the “Great Game” decades Britain and Russia had German’s of Prussian descent on their thrones, plus the actual nationality on anyone important in the political life of anything was nearly always superseded by their secretive Masonic affiliations and these were always under the control of Knights of Malta…

Although euphemistically painted as a solely Catholic organisation with an often undefined yet supposedly charitable purpose the Masonic secret society known as the Knights of Malta are the current control structure (Mask) or outer name used by the (Prussian descent) Bavarian Illuminati after they’d pretended to disband in the 19th century ~ Once you grasp that bit of accurate anti-disinformation (sic) carefully try to fully understand that sometimes these orders to the employees and operatives of the Agency either came directly via a Knight of Malta or came via a Knight of Malta controlled lower order Masonic pawn under the top four 30th to the 33rd degree of Mason’s who themselves were always under direct Knight of Malta control, that’s the way the (666) beast’s cookie crumbles…

Thus the personnel at Langley headquarters were always extensions of the Olde Worlde Bavarian Illuminati despite outward appearances to the contrary, at all times their orders would either come directly from the faceless men of Odessa whom the world wrongly thought were dead or in jail, also from other Knight of Malta such as the many faceless men in Germany’s intelligence services or even from the same among employees or operatives of Russia’s KGB too…

That’s been the real world dynamic since well before World War One when the armies of all countries became victims of Knight of Malta intrigue in the palaces and presidential circles with the one thread common to all such orders being that they came either directly from higher level Knights of Malta or came thru lower order Freemason’s who outranked their fellow spies in the spy services, got-it?

They often claimed they were all pawns in the game…

henry-ford-adolf-hitler-mussolini-benedict-queeb KOM 600 red arrow (2)

Unfortunately for me and one little Catholic girl called Monika whom I’d been mildly sweet on in 1964 one of those orders was to shoot the young girl dead in front of me as a kind of cold cruel callous hard core lesson on obedience, or so they later said in their own defense, shooting her stone cold dead in front of me as a punishment for me disobeying the future 41 when I’d only being doing what they told me via another Prussian descent Mountbatten\Battenberg piggy by the name of Donald Rumsfeld when he said to disobey the future 41 in the first place with the direct result that one sweet little moody 10 y\o girl got herself dead for no reason in the middle of smiling at a little boy, me, and the little boy (Me) then went feral for 15 years with a 220 IQ as well as a Satanic malice in his heart of hearts for all things German Jewish and Masonic after having already correctly ascertained that they were the one’s responsible for murdering my mother and twin sister ~ Since first becoming fully aware of the complicated shell game the world really runs on it’s been over 5 1\2 decades of sick Prussian schadenfreude shit for me and any I’d tried to form healthy relationships with, these are the true Machiavellian realities and rules running what America’s treasonous Odessa controlled Sept 11 co-plotters currently still attempt to defend or deny…

jones-pempeo-morrison-atta-schwammberger Harry MALTA GOOD EDIT Swastika

You think you’re starting to get the point yet do you?

Matryoshka Russian dolls eggs Mason Knight of Malta 600

Nah serious, think you’re getting the point yet?

Redneck or GeniusRedneck Comedian 600 what I'd wanted PUNCHLINE

They thought I’d been dumb, then I’d sobered-up…

Robby 10 y o Redneck Comedian 560


11:11 AM AEST Dec 01
Re-EDIT 11:20 AM


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