Wuz the question just not asked?

Ha, don’t read too much into the song, it’s like 45 years old…

Kavanaugh DeBlasio Zinke BEST Border 560

Here’s the valid question Brett Kavanaugh was not asked…

“Judge Kavanaugh, if he were still alive would your real biological father Odessa SS Josef Schwammberger or any of his aging Odessa cohorts be able to ask you to see things their way, or if his offspring as in biological half brother’s and sister’s or even their offspring or perhaps Odessa’s Knight of Malta Masonic masters just asked you to judge a matter in their favor, or in the favor of any interest they held an interest in, would you be obliged to respond favorably to their request just because they own you, or if it was a big matter would you have to do that anyway but then be able to extract a pecuniary advantage to yourself or others that you could, in the time honored fashion of Washington DC, then be able to salve your conscience with?”

Jones Pompeo Medvedev 560 good

So yeah, some big questions Grazssley never asked…

Fat Tony and his Schwammberger cousins better (2)

And yeah New York, everybody looks like somebody…

Mountbatten Grassley Malta Mason SUCKERS 560

So now do you see why you need one of these below?

Treason Amnesty anti-hypocrisy darker 600

Do you understand why this below has to come first?

Miss the bus Nov 6 Nazi Eagle 600

Get a move on, here’s their elusive Bavarian goal…


Do you still think they wouldn’t do that, really?

Tower dance darker 600 Cessna

They’ll do it if you don’t obey, and do it if you do too…

Once again, old song, great song, simple man…


So you better get busy then, we die either way…

Nov 6th RED 370

6:12 PM AEST Sept 06

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