Selling sand to the Aryan’s again?

Would it surprise you that most American’s are dumber than dogshit?

Nah I’m not trying to be overly mean there, not really, not at all…

There’s lot’s and lot’s to think about before you die reader…

Merely as a suggestion I’d suggest you begin to occasionally think about the hereafter or the happy hunting ground as the American Indians are said to have called it in the despair of the genocide the Prussian was doing to them…

Understand the world, don’t just let others define it for you…

Maybe you can think about it sarcastically like that if you will although perhaps the happy hunting ground won’t be too fcuking happy for whatever the Indian is hunting, ever thought of that, or else think about it with cold rationale along the lines of if those who govern you are lying to you about everything else, and they obviously are, then they’re probably lying about THAT too, not that it exists or doesn’t exist, simply along the lines of whether they’re trying to set you up with a submissive dynamic to their fraud god’s omnipotent Luciferian deception here to better blow you off there with the same fraud god’s Luciferian deception?

You may need to think about this for a few days\weeks\months…

I’ve often noticed their Masonic pawns in political media still subtly selling a divine right to rule perspective in the context of they always know what’s best for everybody else however I’m thinking it may just be a deeper darker lead in to an inevitable feudal submission to stupidity in the hereafter, or in other word’s I’ve noticed that all of what’s displayed here in the physical temporal real world is the inevitable submission to those who know better than you about the reasons for such blatant political and economic fascist globalist feudalist or communist ideas which always lead to such incredible stupidity due to the way most truth tellers are silenced by the Brownshirt On Message mentality of the Status Quo…

So anyway, Yeah, according to meee there’s lots to think about…

That might just be what they’re really conditioning you to accept as the Status Quo in any hereafter too as well, that’s if you think post death consciousness of the mind actually exists that is and assuming it isn’t just another one of their control mechanisms, or at least that’s my take on part of what they’re up to…

Can’t force you to think, have to do thaaat yourselves…

Take a breather, think about the real world for once maybe…


Remember Adolf Hitler with his big Aryan master race?

Think Aryan?” and Iranian?” are phonetically similar?

Just thought American’s and Arabs need to know Dawgz…


I’d say American’s and Arab’s both need to start thinking…

King George x Queen Murdoch Woodward Bolton EAGLE Tillerson Conery Ayatollah Shah 600

You may wish to think about the Ayatollah’s boy soldiers…

I’ll leave it up to all the genuinely dissenting occasionally martyred real world Iranian’s whom the Aryan’s and their part Prussian descent half breed mixed race Brownshirt pawns have been killing in great numbers for decades to give exact precise numbers and details but the fact remains that around 1,000,000 Iranian mothers of 14 y\o Iranian boy soldiers never had a body returned to them which they could rightly claim or just pretend was their precious boy, and then bury him themselves as is the normal way with mothers seeking some form of closure…

This is my sarcasm site ~ It’s gross, true, but it’s accurate too…

Aah the glorious 1000 year Reich in action on the world stage…

Do you think you’re getting it yet? ~ Do you understand it yet?

It’s all Prussian, all of it, the whole Jewish thing is a Phurphy…

the-international-tillerson-mafia-jinping-netanyahu-putin-merkel-may 600

Now I’ll stick my neck out with more obtuse accurate sarcasm…

King George Schwammberger Atta Haspel Pompeo Barr PRUSSIAN EAGLE SWastika

Good sarcasm is an art form, accurate sarcasm is artful truth…

That’s me responding sarcastically accurately and truthfully…

william-diana-eichmann-and-doppelganger 600

Here’s me doing more of the same, accurately and truthfully…

I’d take the time to once again draw the reader’s attention to the motto of the blog which is something my Australian born German step mother, Rudy Hess’s illegitimate cousin according to both her and him if it matters to anyone, often said to me which was “The best sarcasm has the most truth” and that old mining town whore sure practiced what she preached on thaaat level, as I’d occasionally witnessed she sure could slice them and dice them when it came to using truthful understated words as a weapon, she was a source of inspiration on keeping it real clean truthful and sometimes mean for sure ~ That said I’m saying in plain words that that unamed guy at the end of the collage above with fake 1962 written on his picture literally further stretched a stout pre stretched rope in Prussian Israel on Adolph Eichmann’s behalf, or rather for the Prussian Third Reich’s ingenious Machiavellian world wide Knight of Malta controlled deceptions, and I’m also saying that thanks to Joseph Mengele Adolph Eichmann who was an illegitimate Astor by blood just as Adolf Hitler was, was also literally Princess Diana Spencer’s biological father and thus Prince William’s biological grandfather ~ So now look below to the photo of Bob Tillerson who is Rex Tillerson’s father and compare how much that Russian lady looks like Rex’s father, and how much Rex’s father looks like the old painting of Great Britain’s King George and you’re just about ready to square the circle once you can accept the fact that without any sarcasm on my part whatsoever that sad fake in the White House pretending to be Donald Trump is almost certainly the Russian born son of that Russian woman who looks just like Rex Tillerson’s auntie, bloodlines they call it, Prussian bloodlines…

Umm, he inherited a mess, believe me folks, just believe me…

Everybody inherited a mess fake-Trump, believe me…

Even meee, or so they’d once claimed, so they’d once claimed…

Still require precise allegation\accusations used by Sept 11 perp’s to put
Ohio-born sex-slave traded baby boy me on an anti-constitutional Patriot
Act Level two NDAA proscribed person’s Orwellian state-control list…

That Level Two Patriot Act was Joe Biden’s baby, remember?

Here’s the rational logical thing you do, or don’t do, about it…

And thus far the official Washington (Masonic) response is?

Pissant little Yankee-poopsicles maybe?

3:00 PM AEST July 7th
Shortish edit 3:30 too
Another graphic 4:40
An editorial at 8:30 PM
Plus graphics 8:40 AM
on July the 8th as well
Bah Humbug + 9:00 AM

Writing is editing



No-joke, it’s
just accurate

Some of the
graphics might
be layered with
code stuff?

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