Who’s running all of their lying?

Grin Grassley-Kavanaugh timeline LARGE

Try to remind yourselves I’m Ohio-born and have a 1st Amendment…

They’re gonna kill half of you either way Yankee Poodle Dandy…

They been lying in your face since Dealy Plaza you sillies…

Here’s how I’d heard the evil assholes plan to move ahead...

You’re not real smart most days of the week are you Yank…

They’ll use technology which mimics meteorite strikes…

Seriously, technology which mimics meteorite strikes…


Here’s the manifest-destiny one-nation-under-god bit…

And congress claimed god blessed America again did they?

Lady Justice Afghan opiumOdessa Afghan Lithium turkey 600Afghan Opium Her Majesty 600

Myself I’m extremely proud to have been a poor-loser since ’64…

America’s political structure has never been what it was presented to be by it’s real political masters, from 1776 onwards it was government of the people, by the Freemason’s, for the Luciferin Prussian overlords of Europe like it was all across Europe itself and that’s still the way it is too, the old Order of the Ages as they call it is simply the Masonic Lodge as a mask for an old world Pan Germanic Prussian order that’s wrecked Germany Russia and greater Europe for around 500 years already and is now focussed on plans to totally destroy the United States as they go about setting up the outward mechanisms of a totalitarian Luciferin one world government literally run by the Battenberg Mountbatten’s using the Battenberg Schwammbergers as their Brownshirts, after their Third World War ushers it in it’ll be a return run on globalist feudalism straight out of the Dark Ages rather than any kind of real democracy, in the process they’re planning on the deaths of around 160 million American’s and around 2 billion people worldwide simply to please the demonic Luciferin schadenfreude trip these creeps are on…

“Which Battenberg\Mountbatten and Schwammberger’s?”

Same one’s as pulled the Sept 11 attacks, stupid…


Better educate yourselves on the real bloodline stuff…

That’s just the Mountbatten\Battenberg perp’s above…
Yup, even the Rockefeller-line are bloodline Battenberg…
But all Odessa were illegitimate Battenberg descent…
Now here’s the Schwammberger\Battenberg line…


I’d understood this stuff as a kid, what’s your excuse?

And in your hypocrisy you forget something Yankee Poodle?

The pedo-dungeon network they run across all 50 states?

11:55 PM AEST Sept 29


Even dumbies could get-it…

Do-Ya get-it?

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