Now one more time, with feeling!

The greatest lame-excuse for incompetent treason in history?

National security issues are all fcuking paramount right?

Lame-excuses\incompetent treason = national security…

On Sept 11 2001 the only easily identifiable group with means motive and opportunity to have wired up Building 7 for six months prior to the day after having already placed the records of the Trump Corp SEC money laundering investigation for the Carlisle Group there as well as extensively wired up both of the Twin Towers as well as supposedly placing all of the records of the Dept of Defense contracts for plutonium ion gas centrifuge refining in the audit office baby-killer Rumsfeld claimed was hit by a radical Islamic Cessna Pilot on an impossible suicide mission, to do Rumsfeld a favor perhaps, was the real beneficiaries of trillion dollar Carlisle x DOD contracts, Mason’s…

Again the only easily identifiable cohesive group with tentacles all thru the US Military command structure capable to then also have NORAD stand down for a suspicious 2 hour software upgrade as if they didn’t have big back-up computers capable of staying online while an upgrade occurred, then sending the Air Force off to Alaska and waaay out into the Atlantic at the exact same time the radical Islamic Cessna Pilot’s under the command of a feckless dyslexic idiot armed with a laptop in a cave inside Afghanistan supposedly attacked America so that not a single fighter jet with their 120 mile attack radar was left to defend Washington or New York wasn’t Muslim’s, it was Mason’s, Mason’s who then got away with billions of dollars of the Muslim Iraqi gold and Muslim Libyan gold and trillions of dollars of the Muslim Afghan Lithium contracts while also setting up those poor Muslim’s of Afghanistan with an opium industry controlled by half breed Kraut’s (Prussian’s) whose sole purpose was to supply the opium to Vincente (Kaiser) Fox in Mexico to be processed into billions of dollars of heroin securely shipped stateside at 30,000 feet in $10 million dollar jets, it was Freemason’s…

Results of incompetent treason aren’t exactly hidden anymore…

Ripping off little people is the only game they’ve ever played…

That, and the theft of all of South America’s and South Africa’s gold, and Russia’s gold which created the US Federal Reserve banking system, and then the theft of old China’s gold in the rape of Nanking, all done by the Masonic Lodges under Prussian control and then came Europe’s gold under the National Socialism the US Fed financed, and then in turn they stole South Vietnam’s (Chinese) gold and Cambodia’s gold, followed by the Fed illegally borrowing the Nazi gold to create the junk bonds to financed Ronald Reagan\Bush’s Reaganomics which of course preceded the theft of the gold from Iraq and Libya after the Masonic Sept 11 Coup on the US Constitution, and as I’ve already said elsewhere the theft of the Lithium from Afghanistan potentially worth many trillions of dollars more than the gold as well as fiat money they generated from stolen gold, and now Lithium, added to the political power the financial leverage created which then allowed them to make even more money to leverage even more political power and Um, Oh yeah, well it’s all one big happy circle of Masonic thieves and murderers basically…

Sorry about the long rambling sentence full of factoids there but it’s a lead in to this slightly shorter sentence here, they haven’t done a full public audit testing all of the gold bars supposedly held at Fort Knox Vault in quite a while because they wouldn’t dare, yet never mind ~ Your Masonic political leaders in congress and state legislature’s and in governor’s mansions have assured you everything’s on the up and up so don’t you worry about the Masonic propensity to plan world wars and execute them every time they need to reset the mind of their serfs because it’s all going good, it’s going great actually, everything’s being made great again as you can hear them almost swear on your radio television and internet any time any questions arise, so, you got any questions, suckers?

Ha, and who’d I-just call sucker’s? ~ You work it out, sucker’s…

You’re not real smart most days of the week are you America…

I’d say Prussian-cousin’s there, but now looky-here below…

Can’t be insulting a First Lady if Grump’s an illegal president…

The hypocrisy and stupid arrogance of Washington amazes me…

But for Yank’s not in a Sesame Street childhood daze still…

Precise allegation or accusation used by Sept 11 perpetrator’s to place me on
an anti-constitutional Patriot Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s list,
it’s all I’ve asked America’s hypocrite\assholes and fake-patriot’s to reveal…

So did Washington convince you it’s all just a joke?

If such a sham as the World Court at the Hague wasn’t just another mirage of Masonic half truth’s put together by Europe’s ruling Prussian descent Mason’s then I’d be ready to give evidence at that court over the worst crimes against humanity known to man which is the torture murder of babies, to note I’m also ready to give evidence to an American grand jury investigating the same thing highlights the hypocrisy of every Masonic controlled institution on earth…

While America AND Australia sat back and played hide the salami on due process and proper legal representation for witnesses to crimes against humanity those committing the crimes continued their abuse unopposed using rape torture terror drugging blackmail and murder to shut down any genuine support…

Eventually we’ll cross paths in Hades and despite what you were told Jesus can’t protect hypocrites and Jehovah can’t protect his baby killers forever, meanwhile here in Oz sweethearts are getting screwed over simply because the practical resources for justice were denied, in the case of America I’d simply asked what allegation or accusation the perpetrators of the Sept 11 attacks used to place me on the proscribed person’s list of their treasonous Patriot Act, and just in case you got short memories cocksucker’s I’d witnessed Rumsfeld torture 5 coal black full blood Aboriginal baby girls to death, Cheney do likewise to a further 3 while the fake Kerry peeled the left side of the last one’s face back and kept it screaming for a good 15 minutes ~ All of this was between 1964 and 1967 and you can bet your out of control US Federal Deficit that they all flew in thru Pine Gap like all of the heavyweight Odessa controlled Masonic part Kraut descent human trash did…

That was 12 kids murdered in front of me by operatives or employees of the US Govt from 1963 to 1969 but the fascist’s didn’t stop there, and of those 12 child murders I’d witnessed by then 9 were literal ritual baby-torture murders…

Reminds me of that old saying give me liberty or give me death…

So that was a lawyer or a mortician, knock-knock, you get it?

Plus the precise allegation or accusation used by Sept 11 perp’s to place me on
an anti-constitutional Patriot Act Level Two NDAA proscribed person’s list,
it’s all I’ve asked America’s hypocrite\assholes and fake-patriot’s to reveal…

Redneck Comedian FCUK YOUR GOD _ Red Arrows NO JOKEredneck-comedian-PATRIOT ACT ALLEGATION Large

5:00 PM AEST on March 19
Few paragraphs 12:30 AM
Few words changes 12:45
Are you getting it all yet?


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