Хорошо, Иван, что значит кляп?

And still no-one has enough sense to ask me to elaborate?

Is the Masonic Lodge still a force in world politics? ~ It’s a fact that all of the real Young Republican players in the ‘GOP’ within the strange deep state going’s on during the Sept 11 Coup D’Atta where Americans were asked to believe Cessna Pilot’s could fly commercial jets and two jets could knock down 3 skyscrapers were well accepted members of the British (German) monarch’s Masonic Lodge and were of often illegitimate part German descent, that means the man on their birth certificate was not necessarily their bio-daddy if you get my drift…


All were initially brought into the circle of political power in Washington\Wall-St by German born ‘BND’ agent 41 to further the cause of Bavarian Illuminati while all major Young Republican players in the Democrat congressional patriot actor sham which joined forces with the ‘GOP’ after the attack were also in the Masonic Lodge and also part of a large Odessa controlled eugenics program in play before the Odessa organisation even existed in it’s post ‘WW2’ persona…

Built as it was on looted European gold the ‘SS’ stole from Europe and elsewhere in World War Two and then safely stored at places like Crimea and in Odessa in Ukraine up until the (Illegal) 1973 US Fed Chinese (Nazi) gold loan, all thru the Cold War years when Stalinist Soviet Socialist Republic of Russia was supposedly the mortal enemy of both the capitalist West and the German fascism they all claim was defeated in the war along with the German nation as well…

Controlled internationally as it was by their Machiavellian bloodline political’s using Germanic bloodlines in the Masonic Lodges of the world it was the only game in town, a gambit provably around 300 years old already with Great Britain having had a German monarch for all that time while it was being used to create a huge financial and political empire under colonialism, it’s brought us (Humanity) to that pleasant place we’re now at where stupid is as stupid does, stupid does what stupid says, and stupid is always telling us what it’s doing and saying courtesy of Washington Whitehall Windsor Beijing and Moscow…

In addition to that reality all the people who mattered in American political power who got rich from the theft of Iraqi and Libyan gold plus Afghan Lithium and opium were (Are) also Freemason’s of often illegitimate part German descent, and some of those illegitimate German’s were also of part Jewish descent…

Some were half-German African\American…
One immediately coming to mind is Big Red“…
He’s better known as Malcolm X, Obama’s father…
Now how long do you think you could stay in denial?
Denial about Obama’s real world warped genealogy?
Wanna reconsider my offer of total indifference?


So know you what?

Some suspicious types of individual might be inclined to think
there’s something large that goes-on there behind the scenes…

So once again, “Хорошо, Иван, что значит кляп” buddy? 😉

(Okay, Ivan, what’s the gag?)…

We’re still allowing mass media to heard us like sheep, trick us into thinking Russian’s aren’t like people in the west, as if somehow the scourge of Germanic Masonic communism basically made them inferior to the west, perhaps our capitalist led intellectual freedom in the west is what made us better?

If only it wasn’t a total crock…

Yeah we’re told by the subtle repetition of half truth’s in a modern dialectic that might make George Orwell blush that communism was a Jewish thing, sure, but reality begs to differ ~ Seems that the Jews created themselves what amounts to a plausibly deniable Germanic Golem via their Masonic Lodge and, as can happen with Golem according to myth, the Golem developed a mind of it’s own and now rules it’s former master, and it is indeed true under Russia’s Masonic controlled communist system you were far more likely to be murdered or otherwise dealt with harshly by the state than in the west, whereas in the west there was a finely controlled system of checks and balance which was great at allowing it to appear as if law justice and due process are observed any time the Masonic controlled western govt’s murder you, but you end up just as dead in either discreetly Germanic controlled worldwide Masonic system, or worse than dead…

Now the smart thing to do ‘BEFORE’ the shock of seeing billions of your fellow human’s murdered in another world war the Mason’s have planned to remove all forms of balanced knowledgeable inquiry into the real geopolitique we labor under, a third world war which one of their fave 19th century Luciferin writers by the name of Pike predicted round 200 years ago, is simply begin telling the truth as if you’re definitely in real world danger of finding yourself dead before your time if you bravely speak out, but still will even if you don’t anyway…

Here’s some lateral perspective to help you loosen-up…

You working it out are you Ivan old Pal, old buddy?

Russia was developing plutonium-ion gas batteries…
Sure Russia had the Foo Fighter tech, they’re not dumb…
That’s what propels them, Russia’s long had thaaat stuff…
But plutonium-ion gas battery tech that power’s them?
Nobody wanted Russia to have access to that ability…
Not until fascism had them all quietly stitched up…

Still trying to pretend that you don’t know squat?

Nah you know alright, them (Us) bloody German’s…

Bloodlines, think about it!

Slower Deutsch Bag douchebag 446

Vids\graphics fair-use fair-comment community interest…
Here’s a link (LINK) to a relevant blog to expand your knowledge…
And here’s another link on the pedo situation the world faces…
Here’s one on the American perspective pretty much…

How can you American Christian’s keep pretending?


It’s a world wide fascist takeover, there are so-very many, literally…

Now, just chooting American chit…

Yeah well god made me this way alright, it’s his fault…

Look what god made me do, made me say all this stuff…


Ha-Ha, American politics be like…

While all that goes down, this be playing in the ether…

And this be going on at the same time Niggaz…

Whaaa? ~ It’s ACCURATE sarcasm…



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