9 million jerk-off’s in Beijing?

Make whatever you want of this post, it’s sarcasm, but accurate…

In the early 1960’s I’d heard of a German plan involving treason against the nations, treason against the races, treason against the human species itself, to be precise a Bavarian Illuminati Masonic German plan involving treason against the nations races and species itself, at the time I’d been told the whole weird deal I’d already reached the position of no longer giving a rat’s rectum about any of the idiocy behind the big agenda the Order of the Ages was using German Jews and Freemason’s to pursue, I’m merely retelling what I’d heard dispassionately and somewhat objectively for other’s to consider, then do what you will about it…

I’m not your enemy Chinaman, especially not any with honour…
The Bavarian Illuminati have made truth their enemy world wide…
All fascism\communism\globalism\feudalism is insane anywhere…
They just hate on all truth-teller’s with mindless manic passion…
But sadly I’ll care less tomorrow than I-do today, fcuk-it all…

In that context, that I’m past caring that is, I’d heard that it had long been planned to use the Jews of German descent to help finish off everyone else except the German descent Chinese and German descent Russians, and also heard their plan or agenda then called on using the Chinese of German descent to finish off the Jews of German descent before basically hoisting the Chinese of German descent on their own petard by using them to finish off all other Chinese not of part German descent, then using the German descent Chinese against the last remaining humans in the solar system ~ If their anti human plan succeeds, the plan put in play by the Order of the Ages that is, they’ll wind up using those last few remaining humans of part Chinese descent to finish humanity off…

Bet that’ll piss your ancient ancestors off no-end Huh Chinaman?

All of that does indeed sound pretty bizarre, it’s kind of a self defeating agenda which gets almost Zen if you think about it a bit, the key to grasping that larger reality is that human’s are destined to be replaced with another species, one that is said to be part human but it’s one that’s already been cooked up by the Nazi’s in their laboratories thru combining human animal and reptile ‘DNA’ along with, if you have a sense of humour, the very flesh of the god’s so to speak, those behind those who are reputed to be what the Order of the Ages worshipped…

Here’s the Order of the Ages here, at least, there they were…

Seriously, they’re not fake, they’re our ancestors\gods…
Word is they didn’t all die out, they’re still our gods\ancestors…
Give that Judeo-Xtian illusion the flick, you’ve all been lied to large…
Some prophesies in their bible are simply their god’s evil intentions…
Obviously they’re not really omnipotent are they, it’s pretty obvious…
Cause otherwise many of them wouldn’t be as old as they are right…
If they were omnipotent they wouldn’t die either would they?

Try to read this next video, then stop, think, try to understand…
Our ancestors\gods built some pretty slick stuff but, what happened?
Will we ourselves simply pass out of history because of stupidity?

Now look, if that sounds totally batshit dipshit fruitloop fcuking crazy then I’m inclined to agree, pretty much everything I’ve ever heard Germans say from the time I’d been a mere toddler and started asking a mountain of accurate informed questions seeking out the hidden reasons for any lies they’d unwittingly been caught out on was all batshit mostly, as in the more informed and accurate my questions were the more batty their answers became, so I’m just relating here pretty much word verbaitim the overview of what I’d been told as a very curious boy up to no good, yes I’d asked many questions, many questions, I’d have gone into the probable rationale for such a batshit dipshit fruitloop crazy fcuking plan if anyone bothered to ask any rational questions, that’s IF they could get past the US Govt’s constant abuse of my 1st and 4th Amendments via their Patriot Act x NDAA proscribed person’s list fascism, but until then try not to think any of it is either something I’d approve of or work towards myself, it’s not, it’s simply the truth behind why German’s Jew’s and Mason’s have ruined so much good stuff and so many awesome people these last 200 odd batshit years…

Don’t like the songs in my blog? ~ Well, you got this far…


Wakey-Wakey Chinaman, the Three Gorges Dam is a target…
Your part German leaders will prove as treasonous as America’s…
I’m simply reminding you how perilous everything is now…

And here’s the weapon they’ll use to do it too…

All vids\graphics are fair-use x fair-comment mostly…
Here’s a link (Link) to another blog, maybe a better one…
And thanks for the support, it’s very underwhelming…

And America, forget something still?


Cause Papa
don’t allow no
new ideas


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